This week has flew by for me. Probably because I was sick and slept most of the week, and 2 out of 3 of my girls were sick and we all snuggled in my bed and watched movies on my laptop, and they slept alot this week too. Hopefully, we will all be on the mend now and this weekend will be a good one.

So it being Friday, it is week 2 of
"Show us where you live Friday" I love seeing how other people decorate and getting ideas from them. And with us soon to be moving into the new house, I will have a ton of ideas for decorating it.
I am going to do the same thing I did last Friday and post pictures from the apartment we live in now, and also the living room in the house we are moving into. So here they are, I hope you enjoy! Please leave me a comment and let me know you stopped by.
This is what it looked like when we first moved in...

And with a some paint and a little bit of elbow grease, here it is after.
This is looking in from the kitchen.

The patio doors look out to the back yard

These lights I hated and wanted to take down...but I spray painted them instead...

This is the house we are moving into...
the children in these pictures are no need to worry that I am posting pics of some other persons kids with out consent :)

The arch way on the left leads out to the main entrance.

The floors are original hardwood, that the previous owners ( who happen to be my parents) just had refinished.

The house we are in the process of buying and moving into has a living room and a family room. But the family room right now is being used as a storage room. We plan to use the living room as a formal living room and then use the family room as well, a family The furniture we have in the apartment living room will be the furniture we put in the family room of the new house. I am hoping to buy all new living room furniture, as this is the first "formal" living room I have ever had.
The house that we are buying is from my parents, who are building a house just up the road. They are planning on having their new house finished in early November, so it won't be until after that, that we can move into our "new" house.
Thanks for stopping by! I can't wait to see all the other living rooms everyone posts!