Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
This day needs to make up its mind and either be sunny or rainy!
Out of all my sisters, I don't have favorites, but Peggy I am closest with. When Blaine was sick, and going thru Chemo, Peggy was on maternity leave with Maria, she packed up and came all the way from Yellowknife to Nova Scotia and stayed with us for 6 months. And I honestly couldn't have done it without her. We had no family there and not many close friends. I had no worries about who would or was looking after my kids while I took Blaine to the hospital on his Chemo days, or when he was in the hospital for lung infections. And its funny because when we were growing up Peggy and I did not get along at all! We couldn't stand to be in the same room as each other. Now she is one of my best friends.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
I love yard sales!
Saturday mornings from may – september, there is no sleeping in for me. Not that I sleep in the rest of the year, but from may to September I get up extra early to go yard sailing! I love others people junk! Ha! Last weekend I got this doggie “cookie” jar for 3 bucks! The lady selling it said she had to get a new one for her dog, a rottie, that had learned how to open the jar with his nose, and would eat all the treats inside! Ha! Riya loves it, when she comes in from outside she sits in the kitchen facing the jar waiting to get her treat.
I got this cute little wine rack for $2. I haven’t picked up any wine to put in it yet, that’s an errand for tomorrow!
And this shelf is my favourite find so far….you can’t really tell how big it is from this picture, but it is big, 4 feet long. It was only $3!! I am going to paint it black, and hang it in the kitchen of the new house.
We are getting up early ( 6:30) tomorrow morning and heading to Souris, which is 30 minutes east from where I live. There is a huge 60 km yard sale!!! Its the 2nd annual. I am so excited…..I feel like a kid on Christmas eve…ha-ha!!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009