Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Wednesday wing nite!
My almost favorite day of the week! Wednesday!
I got to spend some time with my friend Jodi today. She and I have been friends since high school! She has 2 handsome little boys one of who is my youngest daughter (Kiki who is 5) boyfriend! Lol
I had taken their family photo a few weeks ago and had to deliver the picture cd. So I got to spend a few hours with her and her gorgeous baby boy Brandon. She even made me a delicious lunch!
After my visit I was back to work for the afternoon bus route ( I am a school bus driver). Then home to make a quick supper for my 3 girls (Raven, River,& Kiki) and wait for the sitter to show up. (hubby had a hockey meeting) then I was off to my parents to take their christmas photo ( my mom, dad and their beloved doggy kiya!)
Then it was time for wings!!! A group of ladies all go for wings every Wednesday night! I look forward to it all week!
I got to spend some time with my friend Jodi today. She and I have been friends since high school! She has 2 handsome little boys one of who is my youngest daughter (Kiki who is 5) boyfriend! Lol
I had taken their family photo a few weeks ago and had to deliver the picture cd. So I got to spend a few hours with her and her gorgeous baby boy Brandon. She even made me a delicious lunch!
After my visit I was back to work for the afternoon bus route ( I am a school bus driver). Then home to make a quick supper for my 3 girls (Raven, River,& Kiki) and wait for the sitter to show up. (hubby had a hockey meeting) then I was off to my parents to take their christmas photo ( my mom, dad and their beloved doggy kiya!)
Then it was time for wings!!! A group of ladies all go for wings every Wednesday night! I look forward to it all week!
Back to blogging!
Hello blog friends!! As u can see I haven't been blogging for quite sometime. Why? You ask..... Well plain and simple.....when I started this blog I had loads of time on my hands but nothing to blog about! Now I have loads to blog about but no time!! Lol
Until today when I discovered the blogger app for my iPhone!
Yay!! I can blog regularly now!!!
Until today when I discovered the blogger app for my iPhone!
Yay!! I can blog regularly now!!!
First snowfall of winter 2011/2012!
We had a nasty day and night! The first snow fall is always the worst for car accidents. Some people don't think about snow tires until they are spinning an sliding in the snow. My girls played outside all day long Friday ( it was a teacher professional development day -so no school)
The snow was completely gone by Monday and we were back into double digits (10+ degrees celsius). Which is fine by me!! Lol
The snow was completely gone by Monday and we were back into double digits (10+ degrees celsius). Which is fine by me!! Lol
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
You know how people have shoe or purse obsession?
Well I have a mug obsession!
Seriously! lol
I cant drink my morning coffee out of just any ol'mug.......
it has to be a nice
and when I find a mug I LOVE, I buy 4 of them......weird??
lol I seriously cant help it! haha
A few weeks ago I was at my cousins house Photographing her daughters 13th bday party
and I had a cup of coffee.....
and the mug was BEAUTIFUL!!!!
And she had a set of 4 of them and this beautiful mug tree holding them!!
I was in LOVE!!!
I found out where she had gotten the mugs (and found out where she shopped for home Decor too because she has awesome style and taste!!)
The Mug (& mug tree) was Princess House....
I had to have them!!!
I hadn't bought anything from Princess House before.......
In fact I hadnt even looked at a Catalogue before.
SO I posted on facebook that I was looking for someone that sold Princess House
And low and behold ....I got my mugs and mug tree!
I love them!!!
You can also get them in red!!!!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Its been a sad few days in the Scanlon and MacConnell households.
2 of my parents dogs got loose and got hit and killed by a truck.
Woody (redish one) was 9 and Nelly (black one) was 8
These were the best dogs I have ever known.....
and I have 2 dogs of my own that I love with all my heart!
My dog duke
is one of Nelly & Woody's pups
Nelly & Woody had amazing personalities, and they were so different from one another!
We often joked that Woody looked and acted like the female lol
He was so meek and mild and gentle.
He loved to snuggle.
Nelly was a sweetie, she LOVED food! Every kind of food......i dont think there was anything she didnt like!
She loved to sleep under blankets.....fleece blankets were her fav!!! lol
"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
2 of my parents dogs got loose and got hit and killed by a truck.
Woody (redish one) was 9 and Nelly (black one) was 8
These were the best dogs I have ever known.....
and I have 2 dogs of my own that I love with all my heart!
My dog duke
is one of Nelly & Woody's pups
Nelly & Woody had amazing personalities, and they were so different from one another!
We often joked that Woody looked and acted like the female lol
He was so meek and mild and gentle.
He loved to snuggle.
Nelly was a sweetie, she LOVED food! Every kind of food......i dont think there was anything she didnt like!
She loved to sleep under blankets.....fleece blankets were her fav!!! lol
My parents got both dogs when they lived in Newfoundland (i still lived at home when they got Woody)
With my dad being RCMP they moved a bit, and all the way to Yellowknife, NWT and 5 years later they moved to PEI (where they still live)
My parents have a lot of funny stories and really good memories of these 2 dogs.
Including the fact that my moms best friends name is Donelda, and Her husband's name is Leland.
Donelda's nickname is.... Nelly
and everyone calls Leland.... Woody!
also the fact that Duke (and his brothers and sisters from that litter) was born on Donelda & Leland's daughters birthday!!! HA!
"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
(Roger Caras)
When a pet you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.
~Author Unknown
RIP Woody & Nelly
RIP Woody & Nelly
You have touched my life in ways I cant express.....
We will love you forever.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
I love Weddings!!
But who doesn't!
Here is a wedding I got to photgraph a few weeks ago!
Come Grow Old with me, The best is Yet to be!
This day I will marry my best friend,
the one I laugh with,
live for,
dream with,
~ Author Unknown ~
the one I laugh with,
live for,
dream with,
~ Author Unknown ~
Once in awhile,
Right in the middle of an ordinary life,
Love gives us a fairy tale.~ Anonymous ~
Right in the middle of an ordinary life,
Love gives us a fairy tale.~ Anonymous ~
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep
because reality is finally better than your dreams.~ Dr. Seuss~
because reality is finally better than your dreams.~ Dr. Seuss~
A part of you has grown in me. And so you see, it's you and me together forever and never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart.~ Author Unknown ~
Come live with me, and be my love,
And we will some new pleasures prove
Of golden sands, and crystal brooks,
With silken lines, and silver hooks ~ John Donne ~
And we will some new pleasures prove
Of golden sands, and crystal brooks,
With silken lines, and silver hooks ~ John Donne ~
You don't marry someone you can live with - you marry the person who you cannot live without~ Author Unknown ~
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Have you discovered Pinterest?
On one of my favorite blogs (Kelly's Korner) the other day she had a post about "pinning" . I decided to
check it out and I AM IN LOVE!!! lol
My computer is overloaded with pictures I have saved in folders called "decorating ideas" then with sub folders for every room in the house. and Folders called "christmas decorating ideas" and "fall/halloween decorating ideas" etc.
With Pinterest I dont need to save another single item to my computer!!! It saves it all!!
Party ideas, recipes, home design, clothes, photos you want to take of your kids.......... now I can use this site to "pin" my ideas and put them on boards. I absolutely love it. AND you can follow all your creative friends and see what great things they are finding and pin their ideas to your boards too.
It's a super great place to keep good recipes or just any idea you might need. Or to help you plan parties.
It's a huge time zapper. But sometimes late at night..................I do enjoy a little pinning! :-) DO YOU?
I am sure you all have heard of it....but if not CHECK IT OUT!!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Bubble Bath....this stuff is amazeballs!
Hi Dolls!
I have recently discovered Avon Bubble bath! Its pretty amazing stuff!
My mom always had this stuff on hand when we were kids.......
I had no idea it did anything other than give you a sweet smelling bubble bath!
Here is a list of things you can use it for.......Who knew! Ha!
1. Refill for liquid soap,mild on hands-add a touch of sss bath oil.
2. Use as a hair shampoo.
3. As a dog shampoo-the dogs coat will shine.
4. Eliminates bath ring -great companion to SSS Bath Oil. Dries tub to clean shine.
5. Cleans bathroom vanity. No water spots!
6. Cleans combs and brushes & leaves no film.
7. Add to children's wading pool. Great big Bubble Bath outside PLUS it cleans the childs pool.
8. Add to cleaning water for cars,aluminum or vinyl siding,campers or trailers. On cars leaves waxlike protective coating & watermarks rinse off.
9. Removes stains when used on your laundry.
10. Use 1 or 2 capfull instead of harsh detergents.
11. COLD WATER wash as WOOLITE REPLACEMENT. Great for lingerie.
12. Wash your walls.
13. Wipe and clean your furniture.
14. Use on windows, shower doors, etc.
15. Wash your crystal with it.
16. Mop floors with it. It will cut through many shoe marks.
17. Shampoo carpets, vinyl, and fabrics with it.
18. Remove wax build up. Use straight from bottle with scouring pad and wipe with dry towel.
19. Leaves TV screen clean-no streaking-wipe with dry cloth.
20. Wash and clean cabinets in any room of home.
21. Great cleanser for mini blinds.
22. Great all around cleanser.
I got this list from:
and a few things not on the list that I use it for is
*fill up your vehicles windshield washer with water, then add a capful of avon bubble bath ( only in it will freeze in cold weather)
*use in tart burners....puts a nice smell in the house
*fill an empty spray bottle with water put a capful of avan bubble bath and use to clean counter tops, table tops etc.
This stuff is amazing as a stain remover/pre-treater for clothes.
A few weeks ago my oldest daughter was taking the garbage out side to the can, when she cut her ankle pretty bad on a peice of glass that someone had put in the garbage......anyway she had on pale yellow pajama pants and they were soaked in blood around the ankle.
After we got her ankle cleaned and bandaged up, I took the pj pants out to the laundry room and decided to give it a try with the avon bubble bath.....i poured it on and the scrubbed it with an old tooth brush, then threw it in the washer (on the cold water setting)
When the pants came out of the dryer a while later I couldnt believe there was not a trace of blood left on them!!! I thought for sure I was going to have to throw her pj pants in the garbage!!!
I now use it on every peice of clothing with stains on it!!! No more ruined clothes here!! Ha!
If you haven't tried avon bubble bath before I strongly advise you to call your avon representative (or if you dont have one.....get one!)
Its regular $9.99 a bottle but for the last month its been on for $4.99 a bottle or 2 for $9.99!
My favorite is Sparkling watermelon.....smells so yummy!!
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