And speaking of losing weight....we found out that Blaine has Hypothyroidism which is the most common of the thyroid disorders. It occurs when the thyroid gland becomes under active and does not produce enough thyroid hormones. The metabolic rate falls and normal bodily functions slow down. In other words, this is why He has had absolutely no energy, and has gained weight! We just thought it was side effects from chemo (he finished 6 months of chemo 17 months ago), so needless to say it was good to find out that he won't be like this forever. Hopefully, the pills the doctor prescribed will kick in soon and give him lots of energy. Here's to Hoping! :)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Party like it's 1999!
And speaking of losing weight....we found out that Blaine has Hypothyroidism which is the most common of the thyroid disorders. It occurs when the thyroid gland becomes under active and does not produce enough thyroid hormones. The metabolic rate falls and normal bodily functions slow down. In other words, this is why He has had absolutely no energy, and has gained weight! We just thought it was side effects from chemo (he finished 6 months of chemo 17 months ago), so needless to say it was good to find out that he won't be like this forever. Hopefully, the pills the doctor prescribed will kick in soon and give him lots of energy. Here's to Hoping! :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Happy 28th Birthday Blaine!
Wishing my wonderful husband a very Happy 28th Birthday!
Love me, and our 3 beautiful little girls.
We are so incredibly lucky to have you in our lives.
Friday, April 24, 2009
I Love this song! And it is so true.....It happens....LOL or at least in my life something always seems to go wrong...LOL but like this song says, Let go Laughing!!!
I would also like to share one of my all time favorite quotes/sayings
""Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain. "
And believe me I have danced in plenty of rain!
Have a good Weekend!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
It is Finally Spring!!!
After what felt like Winter would never end, Spring has finally sprung here on Prince Edward Island! The girls and I took a walk on the board walk by our house the other day, here are some pics I took.
River wanted her picture taken "at the beach" lol
Race ya!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Lazy Dazy Weekend
We have had such a wonderful lazy weekend! I couldn’t do it ever weekend, but every once in a while is perfect.
Friday night I took my baby sis Chandler (17) out to teach her how to drive a standard….she did surprisingly well for her first time. She has the shifting down pact, and stalled a few times at stop signs…..we even had to different vehicles stop to make sure we were ok, ( they thought we had broken down Ha!) We just laughed and told them she was learning to drive a stick and thank you. It was a lot of fun….we stayed on back roads, and went down some we had never been down before…..and ended up on a very long, very muddy, dirt road. PEI has a lot of these red dirt road (hence my blog title :) ) and this time of year they are really bad. We thought it would only be a short road so we drove on it……15 minutes later and my hand was sore from grasping the HOLY CRAP handle…lol
We couldn’t stop to switch drivers because we would have gotten stuck, and neither of us had brought a cell phone, and it was way out in the sticks… we would have had a long walk to get help….and we couldn’t turn around ….and all I could say was Chandler keep us out of the ditch and remember mud like this is just as slippery as ice. She got us threw it…and we vowed never to go on back roads we didn't know again….well this time of year anyway.
This is a good dirt road compared to the one we drove on….lol
Saturday we did nothing, I did a little laundry and the kids played outside. Blaine & I went out Saturday night to a small gathering at some new friends of ours. There were 4 couples including us there. It was a fun time! We got home around 2am and went straight to bed. Chandler was babysitting and had stayed the night so she got up with the girls this morning and got them breakfast and let us sleep in. It was nice! Thanks Chandler!
This is Chandler, I have mentioned her a few times, so here is a face to the name.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Hannah Montana: The Movie!
If you haven't seen the trailer for the New Hannah Montana Movie Check this out!!
Last night after we finished a Turkey Dinner, I took my oldest Raven and my baby sister Chandler ( she's 17) to the Hannah Montana movie. We as a family watch alot of the shows on the Disney Channel and Hannah Montana is one of our favorites. I was really excited when I found out it was coming to the big screen, and I definitly was not disappointed! What a great movie! I think it is my new favorite! Raven and Chandler really enjoyed it too! LOL!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Where are all the Purple Bedrooms?
I found a few sites that help you pick out paint color, they are My Perfect Color Benjamin Moore and Behr . From these sites I found a few different shades of the color I have in mind....
This one is called Hyacinth
This one is a Teens room, but I really like the color
Not a fan of this one...
I love this one, I really like all the different fabrics and patterns.
Okay, this one looks blue, but it is a shade of purple...
This one is just very simple. I like the wall color, and the white trim but that's it.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Celebs Closets

When Fergie moved in with new husband, Josh Duhamel, she jumped at the opportunity to create a brand new closet. "We knocked down the wall between two rooms and Josh named it Fergieland!" she says. "I designed it myself, so there's a boudoir-boutique feel." The large room is just for Fergie's things (organized by color and category of course), while Josh's clothes are kept in his own closet in the master bedroom. "Before Josh and I moved in together my stuff would be over flowing into piles in the living room at his house." she says. "Now I love the process of picking things out."
Hers is a 133-square-foot master closet, imagine that!
The Meaning of my Name
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Beautiful Saturday!!!
I spent the morning doing laundry, and then we got the kids ready and the plan was after running a few errands we were going to take the kids for a walk.
After we finished our errands, it clouded over and started to needless to say we didn't get out for a walk.
And here is my fur baby, Riya. Having a nap on HER spot on the couch.
Which picture do you like better?The first picture is our winter bedding, the second is our spring/summer bedding.I like how the 2nd picture is lighter and brighter in color.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April Fools!
We have been having some very spring-y weather......that was right before we got dumped on!!!
As we were walking around the store they were throwing stuff in the cart, by the time we got to the check-out, the cart was literally overflowing! I made them pick out 2 things really took some convincing with
The next store we went to was English Butler, I discoved this store a few weeks ago, and I LOVE it! Everytime I go to Charlottetown now I have to stop in. This was Julia's first time shopping there, she too is in LOVE...hehe! I I KNOW, this was my first and last time bringing the kids to this store. Ha! SO much brakable stuff and way too many little fingers to do the breaking....not a good boy was that an experiance!
We finshed off out shopping trip with a trip to Walmart and then Michael's Craft Store. Both of these stores I Love! I could spend hours in both stores just browsing, and believe me I have. Ha!
This evening I had Turbo, we have our second weigh-in and measure night on friday....eek!