Happy Birthday to my friend Sarah!! She was an April Fools baby!

Love Nikki, Blaine & Girls!
PS. I stole this Pic from your Facebook, I thought it was cute! ;)
We have been having some very spring-y weather......that was right before we got dumped on!!!
This picture was taken about an hour before the snow started....

I do not have an after picture, but we got 3 feet of snow in like the next day and a half.
I would like to have a face to face with Mother Nature!!!!
Raven had a day and a half off school because of the storm, so its been a pretty low key week.
This morning, my Best friend Julia, called and said she was on her way out for a visit with the kids. I was down at Mom's when she called, and Blaine answered the phone. He calls me 25 minutes later to tell me Julia is on her way...This was at 9:15 this morning, and I hadn't started my morning chores yet and the house was a disaster. AHHH!!!...Ha! So I run home and scramble to clean before they got here. This was Julia's first time coming over to visit since we moved here and I wanted her to have a good first impression....and not one that we live like pigs...LOL. Thankfully, she lives 35 minutes away, and got lost coming into my town, HA! I managed to get mostly everything tidied before they arrived.
This is Julia & her daughter Maria ( 1 of 4 kids)
Julia is a 3rd year Nursing student, mother to 4 and wife to 1. Her kids are Micheal 8, Maria 3, Mady 2, and William 1. She is one busy momma! I don't get to see her as much as I would like, but I totally understand. I don't know how she juggles everything. She is definitly an inspiration.
Anyway, after sitting and chatting for about 20 minutes we got the smart idea of packing all 5 kids ( Her Micheal and my Raven are both in school) up and going shopping. Ha! What a great idea that was.....LOL.
Our first stop was BuyRite. It is a discount department store. We have one in Montague, but its not as good as the one in Charlottetown. They sell really nice large framed pictures and paintings for pretty good prices. They also have a lot of really cheap ( cheaply made) kids stuff, so the kids where in heaven...lol Julia & I...not so much. Ha! I was GLAD when we left that store.
River & Keilee picked a pack of these and a coloring book each out as their "treat"

As we were walking around the store they were throwing stuff in the cart, by the time we got to the check-out, the cart was literally overflowing! I made them pick out 2 things each.....it really took some convincing with Keilee...lol.
The next store we went to was English Butler, I discoved this store a few weeks ago, and I LOVE it! Everytime I go to Charlottetown now I have to stop in. This was Julia's first time shopping there, she too is in LOVE...hehe! I think....no I KNOW, this was my first and last time bringing the kids to this store. Ha! SO much brakable stuff and way too many little fingers to do the breaking....not a good combination......lol boy was that an experiance!
We finshed off out shopping trip with a trip to Walmart and then Michael's Craft Store. Both of these stores I Love! I could spend hours in both stores just browsing, and believe me I have. Ha!
This evening I had Turbo, we have our second weigh-in and measure night on friday....eek!
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