House Tour

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Kiki Baby!

I haven't blogged in ten days, its been a busy 10 days. Blaine had an appointment in Halifax, NS with his Hematologist. He had some blood work done in December and January that worried his regular Doctor, and he has been sluggish and feeling yucky since before Christmas. Blaine was convinced his cancer was back. At the hematologist appointment Dr. Couban felt around for enlarged lymph nodes and for any sign of Hodgkin's, but found nothing. He wanted to run some blood test to see what Blaine's numbers were, but it was 5pm when we got out of the doctor's office, and the lab was closed and there was no one to take his blood. So we left and drove the 4.5 hours back to Georgetown,PEI and the blood work had to wait until the next day. Then it took 48 hours for the results to come in, so it was a waiting game. I felt in my heart that it was not back; before Blaine was first diagnosed, I felt something bad was coming. I could feel it in my gut, I thought I was depressed the feeling was so overwhelming. Then he was diagnosed and I was like wow that's what I was sensing. But this time I didn't feel anything. I still prayed that I was right and that the cancer was not back. Dr. Couban's nurse Paula called Friday...No sign of Cancer!!!!! but his iron is low and few other minerals were low, and this is why he has been so tired and feeling yucky. Thank You Lord! I was right and I guess I need to trust my instincts.
On a lighter note....

Today is my youngest Daughter Keilee (or Kiki Baby as she so like to be called)'s 3rd birthday. Where has the time gone?

This is Kiki Baby 1 day old. Look how ity bity she was
at 8 pounds 1 ounce she was my smallest baby...

This is the day we took her home from the hospital

And this is my big girl today.

Happy Birthday my girl! Mommy Loves you! xoxo

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Favorite Things

Okay, so I am have decided to share a few of my favorite things that I can't live without. Enjoy!

First of course are my 3 beautiful daughters

This is Keilee or Kiki baby as she likes to be She will be 3 in 10 days, where

has the time gone.... she is my wild girl, no

one will ever tame her this I am sure of...

believe me we have

This is my sweet River. She is 4 and has

a heart of gold. She is the sweetest, most

thoughtful, caring, sharing 4 year old ever.

She is very quiet, but her mind is always

going, this I know from the very inquisitive,

and thought provoking questions she asks us.

I think there is great things to come from her...

And this, this is my big beautiful girl Raven. She is 7.

She is over 4 feet tall, and much more mature than

the average 9 year old. She is my big helper. She is

my Raven. She has a very soft tender heart, and likes

to help and teach others.

Of course I cannot forget my neice the beautiful and exotic

Miss Maria. She and Keilee share the same birthday, with
a year in the difference. She is my sister Peggy's daughter

This girl is a handful to say the but what

a character, she is bubbly, and funny and makes

you smile just to watch her. She is going to

be a big sister in July. We are all hoping for a boy.

One Tree Hill....the best show ever! I have every season

to date...and watch it faithfully every week.

NCIS this is one show that hubby and I both watch.

We love it, it's a great show. It's a lot lighter and

humourful ( is that a word?) than the CSI's.

My camera....I have a passion for Photography.

My favorite store...Maryanne's gifts.

This store sells country decor and gifts.

It is located in Cole Harbour, NS .

Makeup..........need I say more?

Candles...I love Candles, some say I am obsessed

I just say my house smells good becasue of them.

Lip Gloss!!! Have to have it, I am not a big fan of lipstick

so this I have hundreds of, stashed away everywhere. Every

coat pocket, every purse, both my drift....I

Love this stuff!

And last but definitly not the least Bath & Body Works!

My husband's cousin got me hooked on this stuff ( thanks

Danielle :) ) We do not have a Bath & Body Works here

in Eastern Canada ( fingers crossed we do one day soon)

so I have my sister ship it to me or bring it to me when

she visits :)

Happy Valentine's Day!!

It is that day once again, that single women loathe and committed women LOVE. I myself being a very committed women LOVE Valentine's Day. But my love of Valentine's Day goes back to when I was a little girl, long before I new what it was all about. To me as a little girl it was the day that my dad gave my mom and me a valentines day card and a heart shaped box of chocolates. He would get my mom a big heart shaped box of chocolates, and a big card that he wrote lovey dovey messages in and which he would draw hearts with arrows through dad the hopeless romantic, and mine was always a small heart shaped box of chocolates and a regular sized card;but still with hearts and arrows and always signed Love Dad xoxo. As years went on and I became a big sister to not one or two little sister's but I became the oldest of 5 girls, my dad continued with his Valentine's Day tradition. It wasn't until the past few years that I realized how much time and effort he puts into Valentine's Day. He hand picks each card for us, none of which are the same.

Last year one of my sisters that was in a living relationship with a not so great guy showed up at 7am at my parents house. When my mom asked her what she was doing there so early she replied " Well, dumb ass didn't get me anything for Valentine's, but I knew my dad would have something for me." and of course dad did.

This year is my first year in many getting my valentines card and chocolates from my dad as I have lived on the other side of the country from my parents. And things have changed for my parents too as they are used to having my 4 younger sisters living in the same province as them, but now it is only 2 of us girls out of the 5; me the oldest and Chandler the baby ( She just turned 17). So my dad goes out this year and does his thing he hand picks 6 cards and 6 heart shaped boxes of chocolates. One for me, one for Chandler, one for our Mom, and one each for for my 3 girls. Daughter cards for me and chandler, Wife card for mom and granddaughter cards for my girls. I love my Dad. And every year he makes sure he shows us how very special we all are as individuals.

And of course, I have to give credit to my wonderful husband also. He gave me these beautiful roses and more chocolate than I know what to do okay maybe I do loathe Valentine's Day....that chocolate is going straight to my behind.....LOL.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I am Blessed! Thank You Lord.

I have spent the past few hours glued to my laptop reading stories of heart wrenching sadness. True stories of families with sick babies. I thank God everyday that my children are healthy and stay healthy. And I pray for the families who are suffering from a loss, May God heal your heart and lessen your pain.

My husband Blaine was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma 2 years ago this month...and has been in complete remission for a little over a year. I know how hard it was watching him go through Chemo and seeing him sick day after day and not knowing what a year would bring, a healthy husband or me a single mother of 3. And I continue to thank God for everyday he has given me with Blaine, and for our family and friends that have prayed for us. I also pray that the cancer never ever comes back and that no one else in my family gets cancer.

This was one of those times I was glad I had the camera River giving her daddy a big smooch! Mu ah!

River, Keilee and Daddy

My Handsome Hubby today!!

2 years ago this month not only was my husband diagnosed with cancer but so where both of my grandfathers....bad things happens in 3's... sadly my Pop Gillam lost his battle October 17th ( my River's 4th birthday)2008 with his loving family by his side, in his bed, in his room, in his house, just the way he wanted. I love you Pop, not a day goes by that I don't miss you.

Though Heaven & Earth have torn us apart, until we are together again, you will be in my heart. Love & Miss you Poppy.

Happily my Grampy MacConnell ( dad's dad) is doing great, is in remission and everything looks great!

Thanks be to God!

Holiday Monday!

Today is Family Day or as it is called here on Prince Edward Island "Islander day". The new holiday was announced in the Spring of 2008, making Prince Edward Island the fifth province in Canada to create a holiday in February. The Island joins Manitoba, Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan which all celebrate Family Day in February. So no school and no work, YAY! But....we are all sick with that nasty cold flu that is going around, yuck. It's 9:47am and only myself and my middle baby River ( the 4 yr old) are awake. I am cuddled on the couch with a hot cup of coffee, my favorite throw and of course my laptop ;) and River is sitting at the kitchen table coloring and chatting to herself, or maybe an imaginary friend.

The peace and quiet is very nice, something that I do not get to enjoy often; but if I had it all the time I probably would not enjoy it would I?

We are almost completely unpacked and settled. And by almost completely unpacked I mean...90% of our stuff is in storage...for now. Our house in Shearwater, Nova Scotia had 3 floors it was not very big but it had 3 floors and over the 5 years that we lived in that house we had accumulated alot of stuff ( and went from having 1 baby to having 3 babies ). Now where we live for the time being is an apartment. It's an upstairs apartment above my parents. My parents own this house, it is 3500 square feet the dimensions are 26 x 70. My mom and dad are building a house in the spring down the road from here, and we are buying and then completely renovating this house. The apartment that we are living in now will then become our upstairs family room, the girls bedrooms and their own full bathroom. We are completely redoing the kitchen and master bath. The house is about 40 years old so it does have a little bit of character, there is brickwall fireplace in the dining room, which I am having a mantle custom made for; and original hardwood in the living room. I love to decorate and love looking for decorating ideas.
There is a lot of work to be done, but it is gonna be a big space when its all finished. We are very excited about it. And the best part about it all is.....we live on the beach!!! We can literally walk out our front door and be in the water in minutes. I can't wait to spend every minute possible down by the water with my girls this summer.

This picture is taken from the front door looking at the beach, the little hut is a shower/change house. There is also a lit boardwalk that runs parallel to the shoreline.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What to write?


I guess to start I should introduce myself. My name is Nikki, I am 27 and very happily married to my best friend and soul mate and together we have 3 beautiful little girls. My husband Blaine is ex-military. He has just been medically released for a surgery that was done on a military base by military doctors that went terribly wrong. He will never return to work. With him "retiring" (as he so likes to put it) we have decided to move "home", Well to my "home" anyway. I am from Prince Edward Island, Canada the best little island in the world! Hubby is from another great island....Newfoundland.

This is our journey; I have read many other blogs and have been so inspired to write one of my own. So here I go......