House Tour

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

May Joy be your gift at Christmas and may Faith, Hope and Love be your treasures in the New Year.

From My family to yours

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

In my post "SHHH! Don't Open Til Christmas" I showed you guys the pictures I did for my parents for christmas..... Well I figured out how to edit them better and I wanted to show you them.

I think they look ALOT better!

I put the frame together with the 6 individual pictures and it looks so nice!

I really hope my parents like it, I like it so much that I am going to do the same frame and prints for myself!!


Weigh in

I haven't fallen off the wagon or gave up with my weight loss, its just been crazy hectic round these parts, and I haven'thad time to written any weigh in

I got weighed and measured and......

10 pounds!!! 12 inches!!!!! GONE!

Now to keep this going over Christmas will be a challenge, but one I am ready for!

My goal for this time next month is to be down another 10 pounds.....then I will be at a lower weight than I have been in 3 years!

I also CANNOT wait til I start at a regular gym! I have had a curves for women membership for 2 years and I am sorry for any of you die-hard curves ladies out there, but it did diddly for me......

I am starting at a local (regular) gym in January!

I (as a teenager), lived at the gym(a regular gym), I was there 5-6 days a week. I craved it! Then life happened, I got a job and then I just didnt make have time for the gym anymore.....this was one of my biggest mistakes ever made, had I kept up with my love of the gym, I probrably would not have gained all the weight I did having my babies....

But, that's a what if, and I need to look to the future not the past! I need to think of the person/body I will become/have not the body/person I was. Does this make scense? ( It does in my head....ha!)

Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

SHHH! Do not open til CHristmas!

My Mom doesn't read my blog......she doesn't spend a lot of time on the internet.....not that she does not like it....she only knows how to read her email, look at stuff on facebook, and that's about it..HA!

My dad doesn't read it either.....because he doesn't know the "dot com number " to find it......enuff said! HA HA!

Maybe after Christmas I will bookmark it on their computers so they can read!

But for now I am glad that they doesnt read it....because I am going to share with you all what I am giving them for christmas!!!

It has been years since all my sisters, my brother and I have all been together. And we have never had a (Professioal) picture done with all 6 of us EVER! We have only twice had (professional) pics done of the 5 of us girls; once I was 11 yrs old, and my youngest sister Chandler was, the second and last time was at my wedding ( Charlie didnt make it....long story short he was working down in miami and missed his plane for reasons and that was 6.5 years ago ( chandler was 11yrs)

SO We had ONE DAY with all 6 of us in the same province (and town), I jumped at the opportunity to have a picture taken of all 6 of us, without my mom or dad knowing!

I set the pics up then Chandler's friend Molly took them for us.

It was snowing, and the pics were taken outside, so that is why there is white dots/lines in the pics.

I was disappointed when I seen them, and thought that the pics were not good, but then my sisters lookd at them and liked she said it added to the pics....I didnt think so but anyway, Peggy left for Yellowknife to spend Christmas with her bf and his family, so its too late for retakes.







The individual ones of Charlie and the one of Lexi, I am going to redo....they are both here in Georgetown.

I think my mom will like them, I am sure she will be like "what's with the white spots?"......but oh well, I don't know how to edit them out. I use Picnik to edit my pics, I really  like it because its easy, but I dont think its as versitile as Photoshop ( which I have no clue how to use).

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009

One Christmas Concert down.....2 more to go!

My middle daughter River had her kindergarten Christmas concert on sunday afternoon

The concert was so cute, there are 14 kids in her class and they all did a fantastic job!

Kindergarten is not in the school system here on PEI ( it goes into the school system in september 2010), and the kindergarten teacher Ms. B has been teaching for 26 years!
And every year the concert is the My friend's mom was telling me that she made the costumes 25 years ago when her oldest daughter Kerri was in Ms.B's kindergaten class...and they are still using them!

First they did "Away in a Manger"

Then they were Reindeers ( and santa!)

Then a frosty song...

and of course they sang Jingle Bells!

and last but not least "we wish you a merry christmas"

Raven's Christmas concert was last night ( my next post) and then we have the Christmas eve sunday school concert at the Christmas Eve Church service.

I LOVE Christmas Concerts!

I loved being in them as a child ( and and now I LOVE even more  being the parent and watching my children in them!

This is my mom(right) and her BFF Nelly (left)

Nelly came out to spend the day with my mom and got to come to the concert too!

They have been friends for as long as I can remember!

Nelly (Donelda) has 2 children, her youngest Kelly is a year or 2 older than me.

She had her kids all grown up before mom even had one all grown (I am the oldest of 5 girls, plus we have an older half brother Charlie, he is our dad's son)

Nelly used to come over every Christmas morning (when we lived in Hazelbrook) for years(1993-1999) and video tape us opening our christmas

We laugh every year when we all sit down and watch the

Friday, December 11, 2009

Brrr It is Cold outside!!

I have been feeling really crappy all day! And the weather outside sure is not helping.

I did a photo session with my sister Peggy's long time gal pal Paige and her little handsome man Hudson today, he sure did not want to He is only 1 month and just wanted to be in his momma's arms the whole

But I did get a few nice shots, and as soon as I get them edited I will put them in a post!

I also decided to finally do my girls christmas pictures!

They turned out ok, also (since I had the 3 girls dressed and all three heads curled....which is a lot of work) I decided to do their "school" pictures too!

I don't order Pictures from the school when they get them done in September, because of a couple reasons
1. They are expensive ( for the amount of pictures you get)
2. I dont like that every kid in the school has the exact same pose/background etc.
3. I have alot of fun doing them myself, and it cost next to nothing!

Also Kelly over at Kelly's Korner is doing a mr. linky  cookie exchange, I browsed thru some of the recipes and they all look soo good! I might have to get in some baking this weekend!

Have a good Weekend!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

First Snowfall of WInter 09/10!!!

kay, so it snowed here Saturday night and all day Sunday, I am just slow getting this post finished.

We did not make it to church on Sunday because the roads were very yucky, and drivers on the first snow fall of the year, usually forget what it is like to drive in snow, and that is the day the most fender bender's happen.

So we played it safe and stayed home for a nice relaxing day at home!

Here are some Pics I got on sunday afternoon/evening after the snow stopped.

I took all these pics in my front and back yard.

These tall trees are in my back yard, they are my favorite of all the trees in the yard.
I love how tall they are, they remind me of the trees in Victoria, BC

I couldn't resist taking this picture, I love the colors of the bus with the snow!

This one is from my front yard looking into the neighbors yard across the street.

I think this picture is really cool, Blaine thinks it looks creepy!