House Tour

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A photo shoot with the almost birthday girl!

My baby Keilee ( aka Kiki Baby) is turning 4 in 4 more days!!

Last year I wrote this post on her birthday

I can't believe another year has passed!

I got to spend some time with just her today, and it was really nice! Everybody else had places to be, so I got the camera out and had a fun photo shoot!

It's a tie between this one....

...and this one, as to, which one is my favorite

I mean, I do like them all, but those two are my fav!

Her eyes are a really neat shade of green, but yellow, and brown......

I can't believe my baby is going to be 4 in four days!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Everybody Loves Cupcakes!!!

Happy Valentines Day!

Yup, I know I am a few days late with that

We had a great vday!

We got our vday goodies from Poppy Ben ( my dad - see last years vday post )

Even though he was not home this vday, he got all our stuff and got mom to give it to us! Love my daddy!

I promised the girls we would bake cupcakes......

We are still living in the little 2 bedroom apartment ( we are living here until our house is ready)

and the kitchen is itty bitty, so there is not a whole lot of space for the "shared" baking.

So I made the cupcakes, but told the girls they could each decorate their own.

The rest were daddy's!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Simple Pleasures

One of my favorite bloggers ( Kelly Stamps over at did a post last week about Simple Pleasures.  My week has been a busy one, so I didn't get a chance before now to post my favorite simple pleasures.
They are in no order what so ever....

The whole family cuddling up in bed together and laughing

waking up early, and listening to the house still sleeping

Coffee with a friend

A clean house

Freshly washed sheets and a made

The sound of the dishwasher running in the evening after the kids are in bed, and the house is quiet

Listening to my 3 girls playing in the other room ( and actually getting

Shopping with my momma

Diet pepsi with crushed ice

Flip flops in the springtime!

Taking photos of friends and family

Editing photos, and listening to music

Kisses on the forehead

Someone new following my

The smell of a new baby

Eating watermelon on a summer day

Hugs and kisses from my 3 girls

Hearing "I love you Mom"

Spending a whole day at the beach

Talking to my grandmother on the telephone

Sitting in Church on Sunday mornings, with the sun shinning in the church windows

and last but definitly not least.....

These 3 girls each and everyday!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today started out pretty crappy, and put me in a really bad mood.

When I was doing the morning bus route, I had a parent come to the bus door and blast me about the bus being "sporadic" and never being there on time.

I appologized, telling him I was a substitute driver and that I was just learning the route.

He then goes on to say that the regular driver was "sporatic" also.

I appologized again, and told him to take it up with the School Board Office.

He then told me that "you'd have to be F@#&ing stupid, not to be there at the same time everyday"
and went on to say that his son had been at the bus stop at 7:30 and waited until 7:50 for the bus.

I told him that I am never there by 7:30, as I don't turn onto his road until 7:31 and it takes me 7 minutes to get to his son's stop. ( There are 6 or 7 stops on that road before I get to his)  And, when I looked at the time after he said this to me, it was then only 7:42!!

I then told him that it was only 7:42, and asked him whether or not his son was getting on the bus, ( his son apparently went back up to his house at "7:50" after waiting for the bus) and he replies " yes, I just sent my other son up to get him" and then continues to say to me " this is F&$%ing ridiculous that you can't be here the same time everyday and I am F*&%ing tired of it"

He then turned back to his driveway to yell out to his son to hurry up, and I don't know what else he was saying, I couldnt hear.

His son ( who is in grade 10) got on the bus, with his head down, (I can only imagine how embarresed the poor kid was) and went all the way to the back of the bus and sat down. 

I was so embarressed, angery, etc! 

The whole thing put me behind 10 minutes picking up the rest of my kids!

Anyway,after the morning route, when I got to the bus room ( the bus driver's staff room) I told the other driver's what had happened, and they said that I didn't have to put up with parents like that, and to report it to the principal and School Board office,and that they would deal with it.

I gave the civic address and the name of the student, to my supervisor, and he said he would pass it on to the prinipal and School Board office.

I hate confrontation, I feel like a little kid when people say stuff like that to me....

I felt like this....

and a little like this....

LOL, ok maybe not like

Like for 5 seconds after the "incident" I serioulsy wanted to quit my

The other driver's re-assured me not to let it get to me, and that putting up with abuse from parents is not part of our job description!

Okay I feel better I got that off my

It's 11:12 am , I hope the rest of my day goes better than the start of it!

How's you day going?