Welcome 2010!
We spent New Year's at a dance in our town. It was fun, it wasn't overly packed, which made it better, then having it too crowded and having to push your way thru the crowd.
New Year's day we had a lazy day and we all stayed in our pjama's and watched movies and played our new wii, it was a very fun day! The kids had a blast, ( and so did the big kids too, ha!)
Do you know that you can download the original Super Mario Brothers from the original Nintendo Entertainment System, for the wii!!! I was so excited! We downloaded Super Mario Bros 1, 2 and 3!!!
3 is my fav!
Did you make new year resolutions?
I did!
I have 3, HA! (in no particular order)
My first one is to be more organized ( I make this one every year, and every year I get a bit more organized that the year before...lol)
My second one is to have more patients, with my kids, husband, and myself.
My third is (of course ) that this is the year I will lose weight!
and my last ( but definitly not least) is to attend church every sunday, and to spend more time with Jesus.
I grew up going to church every sunday, and I was involved with Youth Group, and the Youth ministry Music and drama group. I loved every minute I spent at church, with all my church friends. But as I grew up and life happened I got away from going to church. I did not stop talking to Jesus, or praying to him, I still had a relationship with him ( it just was no where close to what it should have been). We started going to church a few months ago, we found out that this little town ( which we have only lived here a year) has a great Baptist church, with wonderful people that attend. The pastor Howie and his wife Kelsey are a young couple, and they are both really nice, and welcoming.
Every sunday, sitting in the little church, in this little town, I feel so much emotion, I feel whole!
My kids Love church, which makes me very happy, I want them to have a relationship with Jesus, I want them to have a great relationship with him.
What New Year Resolutions did you make?
Congrats on your new Wii . . . we have spent the last two days (snow days off school) playing the new Mario. As for your goals . . . . .go for it girl! You can do it!